Monday, 21 January 2013

If your birth date is January 20

New year 2013 is moderate for you. Disruption - to increase the odds means to get the money. Pryappt will increase in strength. Some tasks will be spoiled. Will establish a top official contact. Will form a new action plan. Will pave the way of income. Help of a loved one. Note wrangling with a close friend will fear. With the increase in income - spending will be higher. Likely to be deceived by the nearest person. Expenses also increased - will be moved. Mind will be distracted. In learning to work with diligence and enthusiasm will succeed. February and April would be better. Do worship of Shiva. North - west direction will be good. Wear pearls. Wear white.

Good numbers: 2, 1, and 5

Friday, 18 January 2013

If your birth date is January 19

2013 year is moderate for you. Some paused incomplete work will be completed with the help of a close associate. Efforts to gain labor and funding opportunities. Would form the bad work. Be approached from a superior officer. Patiently to work to improve the situation. Work will be spent on a Tue. Will interact with new people. Purchase of land and vehicles, etc. - Use care when Wriky. Income will be less and spend more. Built-in functions will lead to bottlenecks. Comfort and less clutter will be more. Closely - will pique brothers. The students have worked hard. Laziness and procrastination will be in health. Excess of expenses mental problem. Will have less income to spend. The works will become disturbed. January, May and October will be better. Sun and Venus praise. East will be good. Wear carnelian gemstone. Wear orange.
Good numbers: 2, 3, and 9

If your birth date is January 18

Year 2013 is the medium for you. Land-related problem has occurred in the family. Will concern regarding children's career. Job growth and values ​​- respect will increase. Health failure, eye pain and may lead to bottlenecks in government tasks.

Unexpected costs. Particular effort and enthusiasm for a subject in the family. Many business sectors fluctuation will face. Real - estate-related problems will arise. Business areas clutter will be more. Will loose some health. Get no pleasure from the family.

Meager profits funds remain after the conflict. Medium businesses and benefits remain modest. Will continue to employ more labor. The students have worked hard. March, June, September and December will be better. Do worship Hanuman. Good will towards the south. Use red. Use coral.
Good Number 9, 1, 3 and 7

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

If your birth date is January 17

Year No. 8 jatakas provide fruit for the good or evil that is being created. The plans will be considered a partial success. Mental stress and complications despite opportunities to gain wealth. Changes in the business and are the sum of Sreshtjnon contact and get the money.

Interest in the new plan will work. Progress in foreign operations. Will spend time in social work. Receipt of funds will be sustainable. Atyadik will get to work on opportunities for advancement. Physical and mental anguish will still bewildered Bagynkari events and will miss the trip will be enjoyable affair.

Good Number 7 and

Numerlogy No 9

In Hindi
वे अत्यधिक दोस्ती, स्नेह और प्यार देने के लिए प्रेरित कर रहे हैं. वे बहुत आग्रहों को साझा किया है. वे एक संवेदनशील और दयालु स्वभाव है. वे धैर्य, आत्मनिर्णय सीखने और योजना से जुड़े मुद्दों है. वे बहुत अच्छा व्यक्तिगत caregivers हो सकता है, के रूप में वे सहानुभूति का एक बड़ा सौदा है, और करुणा हो जाते हैं कर सकते हैं.

सकारात्मक लक्षण: वे बहुत ही व्यापक और सहज शब्दों में जिंदगी को देखने में सक्षम हैं. वे अक्सर उच्च आदर्शों और जीवन के लिए एक प्रेरणादायक दृष्टिकोण व्यक्त करते हैं.

नकारात्मक गुण: वे बहुत संवेदनशील हैं. वे खुद को और दूसरों में पूर्णता के अभाव में निराश हैं.

तत्व: आग (और आत्मा ऊर्जा)
ग्रह: मंगल ग्रह
भाग्यशाली दिन: मंगलवार
भाग्यशाली रत्न: लाल मूंगा
लकी रंग: लाल, लाल रंग और चेरी

In English
They are profoundly moved to give fellowship, fondness and love. They have exceptionally imparting urges. They have a touchy and sympathetic nature. They have issues including persistence, self-determination, studying and arranging. They could be extremely great private parental figures, as they will usually have an extraordinary bargain of sympathy, and sympathy.

Positive Traits: They are equipped to see existence in extremely wide and instinctive terms. They regularly express elevated goals and a helpful methodology to essence.

Negative Traits: They are excessively touchy. They are baffled in the absence of superbness in themselves and alternates.

Component: Fire (spirit & Energy)

Planet: Mars

Day of reckoning: Tuesday

Lucky Gem: Red coral

Lucky Colors: Red, Maroon and Cherry

Numerlogy No 8

In Hindi
वे बड़े व्यापार के लिए एक प्राकृतिक चमक और व्यावसायिक दुनिया द्वारा लगाए गए चुनौतियों है. पावर, स्थिति, और सफलता उन से बहुत महत्वपूर्ण हैं. तुम मजबूत निगरानी, ​​संगठित और नेतृत्व करने के लिए अपील की. सामग्री इच्छाओं को भी बहुत स्पष्ट हैं.

सकारात्मक लक्षण: उनके मन विश्लेषणात्मक और ध्वनि के फैसले है. वे अच्छा कार्यकारी क्षमता है, और इन के साथ, विश्वास, ऊर्जा और महत्वाकांक्षा.

नकारात्मक गुण: वे हावी है और कर रहे हैं, एक मांग रवैया रहा. वे एक कठोर और जिद्दी होने की प्रवृत्ति है.

तत्व: पृथ्वी (व्यावहारिक और Methodological)
ग्रह: शनि
भाग्यशाली दिन: शनिवार
भाग्यशाली रत्न: ब्लू नीलम
लकी रंग: काले, नेवी ब्लू और काले भूरे रंग की तरह काले रंग

In English
They have an expected flare for huge business and the tests infringed by the business planet. Power, status and victory are extremely imperative to them. You have solid urges to regulate, order and lead. Material cravings are likewise exceptionally maintained.

Positive Traits: Their brain is investigative and sound judgment. They have great official capacities, and with these, expectancy, power and yearning.

Negative Traits: They are overwhelming and having a demanding state of mind. They have a tendency to be unbending and hardheaded.

Component: Earth (viable & Methodological)

Planet: Saturn

Day of reckoning: Saturday

Lucky Gem: Blue Sapphire

Lucky Colors: Dark shades like Black, Navy Blue and Dark tan

Numerlogy No 7

In Hindi
वे पढ़ने के शौकीन हैं. वे ज्ञान, नेतृत्व, नियंत्रण, और स्वतंत्रता से जुड़े मुद्दों है. वे ध्यान का केन्द्र होना प्यार और अधिकार है कि उन्हें लोगों की एक विस्तृत श्रृंखला के साथ बातचीत करने की अनुमति देता है की स्थिति का आनंद लें. पावर उनके सिर में जा सकते हैं.

सकारात्मक लक्षण: वे अध्ययन और विश्लेषण करने के लिए ज्ञान और ज्ञान प्राप्त करने के लिए प्यार करता हूँ. वे विश्लेषणात्मक दृष्टिकोण है.

नकारात्मक गुण: वे चारों ओर लोगों का मानना ​​है कि वे नहीं जानते कि डरपोक हैं. वे दोस्तों के साथ बहुत चयनात्मक हो जाते हैं और वे आसानी से नए वातावरण के लिए या नए लोगों के लिए बहुत जल्दी अनुरूप ढल नहीं.

तत्व: जल (भावनाओं और भावनाओं)
ग्रह: केतु
भाग्यशाली दिन: गुरुवार
भाग्यशाली रत्न: बिल्ली की आंख
लकी रंग: हल्के रंग

In English
They are partial to perusing. They have issues including adroitness, authority, control and license. They want to be the inside of consideration and get a charge out of positions of power that permits them to interface with an extensive variety of folks. Force can head off to their heads.

Positive Traits: They want to study and examine, to increase information and smarts. They have scientific methodology.

Negative Traits: They are timid around folks that they don't have even an inkling. They will for the most part be extremely particular with associates and they don't effectively acclimate to revamped dominions or to unique individuals extremely briskly.

Component: Water (Feelings & Emotions)

Planet: Ketu

Day of reckoning: Thursday

Lucky Gem: Cat's eye

Lucky Colors: Pastel colors

Numerlogy No 6

In Hindi
वे समर्थन, दया, सपने, प्रेरणा, और आशा है कि मुद्दों को शामिल किया है. दोस्ती, प्यार, स्नेह और एक सुखी जीवन के लिए प्राथमिकताओं की सूची पर उच्च हैं. यह अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण है के लिए उन्हें हर समय अपने वातावरण में सद्भाव है.

सकारात्मक लक्षण: वे जिम्मेदार हैं, की मदद से और भावनात्मक. वे रचनात्मक और कलात्मक कौशल है.

नकारात्मक गुण: वे भी सुरक्षा कर रहे हैं. वे अपनी जरूरतों को दबाने इतना है कि वे दूसरों से मांगों को पूरा कर सकते हैं कर रहे हैं.

तत्व: पृथ्वी (व्यावहारिक और Methodological)
सत्तारूढ़ ग्रह: वीनस
भाग्यशाली दिन: शुक्रवार
भाग्यशाली रत्न: डायमंड
लकी रंग: नीले रंग के सभी रंगों

In English

They have issues including backing, sympathy, dreams, enthusiasm and trust. Kinship, love, and love are heightened on their record of necessities for an euphoric existence. It is to a great degree essential for them to have agreement in their surroundings constantly.

Positive Traits: They are mindful, making and zealous. They are imaginative and have masterful aptitudes.

Negative Traits: They are excessively defensive. They are will usually subdue their particular necessities with the intention that they can coddle the requests from alternates.

Component: Earth (commonsense & Methodological)

Governing Planet: Venus

Day of reckoning: Friday

Lucky Gem: Diamond

Lucky Colors: All shades of blue

Numerlogy No 5

In Hindi
वे बहुत ज्यादा दिल में साहसी हैं. उनके भविष्य के बारे में विशेष रूप से चिंतित नहीं है. वे अभिव्यक्ति से जुड़े मुद्दों, शक्ति, सच्चाई और शिक्षा. वे उत्कृष्ट समस्या solvers हो सकता है, के रूप में वे विश्लेषणात्मक हो जाते हैं कर सकते हैं. यात्रा और षड्यंत्रों उन्हें इधर - उधर भटकना स्वतंत्रता का विचार है.

सकारात्मक लक्षण: वे अनुकूलनीय और बहुमुखी हैं.

नकारात्मक गुण: वे बेचैन और अधीर हैं. वे नियमित काम नापसंद. वे कभी भी कुछ भी परिष्करण के बिना एक गतिविधि से किसी अन्य गतिविधि के लिए कूद.

तत्व: एयर सोच रही थी (और बुद्धि)
सत्तारूढ़ ग्रह: बुध
भाग्यशाली दिन: बुधवार
भाग्यशाली रत्न: पन्ना
लकी रंग: पिस्ता और हल्की मिश्रित रंग
In English

They are exceptionally much the Don Quixote on a basic level. Not especially concerned concerning their fate. They have issues including outflow, self discipline, truth, and instruction. They could be astounding situation solvers, as they will usually be scientific. The thought of fly out and license to meander interests them.

Positive Traits: They are adjustable and flexible.

Negative Traits: They are fretful and restless. They loathe the normal work. They hop from one movement to a different action, while never completing the process of something.

Component: Air (Thinking & Intellect)

Managing Planet: Mercury

Day of reckoning: Wednesday

Lucky Gem: Emerald

Lucky Colors: Pistachio and Light intermingled colors

Numerlogy No 4

In Hindi
वे मुद्दों है कि प्रेम, क्षमा, और आशा है कि शामिल है. वे एक आंतरिक एक व्यवस्थित और मेहनती ढंग से दूसरों की सेवा करने की इच्छा है. वे ठोस, पारंपरिक, और अच्छी तरह से विनियमित गतिविधियों में होना चाहते हैं, और वे कुछ नवाचार और अनियमित या अचानक परिवर्तन से परेशान हैं. वे ईमानदार और गंभीर हैं.

सकारात्मक लक्षण: वे आयोजन में उत्कृष्ट हैं, systematizing, और प्रबंध. वे जिम्मेदार, विश्वसनीय और व्यावहारिक अंतिम विश्लेषण में, कर रहे हैं.

नकारात्मक गुण: वे कठोर, जिद्दी और कुछ हद तक संकीर्ण दिमाग हैं. भावनाओं को छिपाने की प्रवृत्ति है, या वास्तव में वास्तविक भावनाओं के बारे में पता नहीं है.

तत्व: एयर (बुद्धि)
सत्तारूढ़ ग्रह: राहु
भाग्यशाली दिन: बुधवार
भाग्यशाली रत्न: Hessonite
लकी रंग: रंगों की इलेक्ट्रिक टन
In English
They have issues that include adoration, pardon, and trust. They have an inward craving to serve alternates in a systematic and industrious way. They need to be in strong, routine, and overall-directed actions, and they are slightly aggravated by development and flighty or sudden updates. They are respectable and genuine.

Positive Traits: They are great at forming, systematizing, and operating. They are dependable, solid and in the last examination, down to earth.

Negative Traits: They are unbending, persistent and sort of extremist. There is a tendency to cover up affections, or to actually not be savvy to legitimate sentiments.

Component: Air (Intellect)

Governing Planet: Rahu

Day of reckoning: Wednesday

Lucky Gem: Hessonite

Lucky Colors: Electric tones of shades

Numerlogy No 3

In Hindi
वे एक सक्रिय सामाजिक जीवन में भाग लेने के लिए और दोस्तों के एक बड़े वृत्त का आनंद चाहते हैं. वे पैसे, बहुतायत, और प्रतिबद्धता से जुड़े मुद्दों है. वे लगातार मूल्यांकन चाहे वे उनकी जरूरतों को पूरा करने के लिए या अपने अहं बढ़ के लिए काम कर रहे हैं की जरूरत है क्योंकि वे सुर्खियों में रहना चाहते हो सकता है.

सकारात्मक लक्षण: वे के अनुकूल है और बहुत ही सामाजिक हैं. वे एक अच्छा मानसिक और भावनात्मक संतुलन है. वे सहज और रचनात्मक हैं

नकारात्मक गुण: वे अधिक आशावादी, गैर रोक talkers हैं.

तत्व: आग (अंतर्ज्ञान, आत्मा)
सत्तारूढ़ ग्रह: बृहस्पति
भाग्यशाली दिन: गुरुवार
भाग्यशाली रत्न: पीला नीलम
लकी रंग: केसर और Mauve परिवार

In English

They need to cooperate in a dynamic social existence and revel in an extensive round of associates. They have issues including cash, richness, and duty. They might need to continually assess if they are working to fulfill their necessities or to blow up their inner selves being as how they need to be in the spotlight.

Positive Traits: They are neighborly and exceptionally social. They have an exceptional mental and passionate parity. They are instinctive, and innovative

Negative Traits: They are over-ideal, non-stop talkers.

Component: Fire (Intuition, Spirit)

Controlling Planet: Jupiter

Day of reckoning: Thursday

Lucky Gem: Yellow sapphire

Lucky Colors: Saffron and Mauve gang

Numerlogy No 2

In Hindi
वे दूसरों के लिए काम करने में मजा आता है और खुद जादू जिम्मेदारियों को मिल सकता है. उनकी प्रेरणा दोस्ती, भागीदारी और साहचर्य पर केंद्रित है. वे एक सहयोगी दल के एक भाग के रूप में दूसरों के साथ काम करना चाहते हैं. नेतृत्व उनके लिए महत्वपूर्ण नहीं है, लेकिन टीम के प्रयास करने के लिए एक योगदान कर रही है. वे करने के लिए मुश्किल काम करने के लिए संवेदनशील, मिलनसार लोगों के साथ एक सामंजस्यपूर्ण वातावरण को प्राप्त करने के लिए तैयार कर रहे हैं.

सकारात्मक लक्षण: वे सहानुभूति रखते हैं, बहुत चिंतित और समर्पित. प्रकृति के लिए दूसरों के लिए बहुत संवेदनशील है, हमेशा विनम्र और राजनयिक हो जाता है. वे बल्कि भावनात्मक हैं. वे प्रेरक हैं, लेकिन एक बहुत ही शांत तरीके में सशक्त, कभी नहीं.

नकारात्मक गुण: वे पर एक नाजुक अहंकार है कि बहुत आसानी से चोट लगी है साथ संवेदनशील हैं. वे डरपोक या भयभीत कर रहे हैं कभी कभी.

तत्व: जल (भावनाओं और भावनाओं)
सत्तारूढ़ ग्रह: मून
भाग्यशाली दिन: सोमवार
भाग्यशाली रत्न: पर्ल
क्रीम और सफेद परिवार: लकी रंग

In English
They like doing things for alternates and might end up juggling obligations. Their inspiration is fixated on fellowships, partnerships, and fraternity. They need to go with alternates as a part of an agreeable group. Administration is not essential to them, however making a gift to the crew enterprise is. They are ready to work no picnic to accomplish a congruous earth with touchy, agreeable folks.

Positive Traits: They are sympathetic, amazingly concerned and dedicated. The nature will for the most part be exceptionally delicate to alternates, constantly careful and discretionary. They are quite gushing. They are powerful, however in an extremely calm manner, never intense.

Negative Traits: They are over-delicate, with a sensitive self image that is too effortlessly harm. They are timid or dreadful here and there.

Component: Water (Feelings & Emotions)

Controlling Planet: Moon

Day of reckoning: Monday

Lucky Gem: Pearl

Lucky Colors: Cream and white gang

Numerlogy No 1

1 संख्या अपने स्वभाव का पता चलता है (Numbers discloses your temperament)
In Hindi

वे खुद को और दूसरों के बहुत महत्वपूर्ण हो सकता है. वे समय, रचनात्मकता, स्वतंत्रता, व्यक्तिगत सुरक्षा, और पूर्णता के आसपास के मुद्दों है. वे ईमानदार हैं, सैद्धांतिक और एक उच्च आत्म सम्मान है. वे महान नेतृत्व क्षमता, मजबूत भाषण कौशल और न्याय की अपनी भावना के लिए अपने सहयोगियों से आदेश सम्मान के अधीन हैं.

सकारात्मक लक्षण: वे महत्वाकांक्षी और निर्धारित कर रहे हैं, एक नेता के अवसरों की मांग. ईमानदारी और इस चरित्र में वफादारी का एक बड़ा सौदा है. वे एक वफादार दोस्त और व्यापार व्यवहार में सख्ती से उचित हैं.

नकारात्मक गुण: वे लोगों और परिस्थितियों पर हावी करने के लिए उपयुक्त हैं, घर, पति, परिवार और व्यापार. भावनाएँ इस प्रकृति में मजबूत नहीं कर रहे हैं.

तत्व: फायर (ऊर्जा)
सत्तारूढ़ ग्रह: सूर्य
भाग्यशाली दिन: रविवार
भाग्यशाली रत्न: रूबी
लकी रंग: पीला, नारंगी परिवार
In English
They could be extremely condemning of themselves and alternates. They have issues surrounding time, innovativeness, autonomy, private wellbeing, and excellence. They are legitimate, principled and have a towering confidence. They are controlled of amazing initiative capabilities, solid expressive aptitudes and order appreciation from their teammates for their feeling about equity.

Positive Traits: They are yearning and resolved, a guide looking for chances. There is an incredible bargain of genuineness and devotion in this element. They are a steadfast associate and strictly reasonable good to go dealings.

Negative Traits: They are adept to overwhelm scenarios and folks; the home, the mate, the family and the business. Feelings aren't solid in this nature.

Component: Fire (Energy)

Administering Planet: Sun

Day of reckoning: Sunday

Lucky Gem: Ruby

Lucky Colors: Yellow, Orange Family


Five Type of Numerology
1. Name Numerology (नाम संख्या विज्ञान) :-

In Hindi
संख्या संख्या की भाषा और उनके प्रतीकात्मक महत्व है. प्रत्येक संख्या अपने स्वयं के कंपन और अपने स्वयं के थरथानेवाला प्रभाव है. विश्वास है कि एक व्यक्ति को एक निश्चित नाम के साथ एक निश्चित तारीख को इस जीवन में आता है के आधार पर, अंकज्योतिष संख्या का वर्णन करने के लिए एक व्यक्ति कौन है और नक्शा क्या उसके या उसके जीवन के लिए है. हाँ, नाम और संख्या लालाग्रंथि की तरह कर रहे हैं. ज्योतिष में, एक से वर्णमाला के हर पत्र Z करने के लिए एक निश्चित और थरथानेवाला यह संख्या है. वर्णमाला के अक्षर की पहचान की है और एक विशेष नंबर से संबंधित है. यह तय है और अंतिम है. सब तुम्हें क्या करना है करने के लिए नीचे दिए गए अक्षरों और संख्याओं से अपने खुद के संख्यात्मक मूल्य या कुल काम है. इसी अक्षर के साथ संख्या हैं:






 यह आसानी से देखा जा सकता है कि वर्णमाला के अक्षरों ए, मैं, क्यू, जम्मू, वाई, सभी 1 के संख्यात्मक मान है, पत्र बी, कश्मीर, आर, 2 की संख्यात्मक मूल्य, एस पत्र, सी, जी, एलके संख्यात्मक मान 3, और 8 के संख्यात्मक मान के लिए सही पर. वहाँ कोई संख्यात्मक 8 से अधिक मूल्य की है.

In English
(Numerology is the dialect of numbers and their symbolic criticalness. Every number has its particular vibration and its particular vibratory impact. Taking into account the profession that an individual goes into this essence on a certain date with a certain name, numerology utilizes numbers to portray who an individual is and what the guide is for his or her essence. Yes, names and numbers are like Siamese twins. In numerology, each letter of the letter set from beginning to end has a positive and vibratory number to it. The letter of the letter set is distinguished and identified with a specific number. It is altered and last. All you need to do is to work out your particular numerical worth or add up to from the letters in order and the numbers given beneath. The numbers with the relating letters in order are: 






It could be effectively watched that the sequential letters An, I, Q, J, Y, all have the numerical quality of 1, the letters B, K, R, the numerical quality of 2, the letters S, C, G, L the numerical worth of 3, et cetera up to the numerical worth of 8. There is no numerical worth more than 8. 

2. Birthday Number (जन्मदिन संख्या) : 

In Hindi
जन्म संख्या एक भाग्य के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है, जीवन को प्रभावित, यह अटल है और जन्म के समय सद्भाव या कंपन के नोट का फैसला किया है, और तो पालने से कब्र के लिए हमारे जीवन के कार्यों पर प्रभाव है. जन्म संख्या जीवन की सामग्री की ओर से संबंधित है. अंक ज्योतिष में वहाँ केवल 9 संख्या में हैं, जिसके तहत हम सभी के पैदा होते हैं. उदाहरण के लिए. अगर आप किसी भी महीने की 28 पर पैदा होते हैं, आप अपने numerological अंकों की गणना के रूप में नीचे.

In English
The life commencement number is the key to one's destiny, impacting essence; it is unalterable and the minute of conception chooses the note of agreement or vibration; and so has its impact on the movements of our lives from the support to the grave. The life commencement number identifies with the material side of existence. In numerology there are just 9 numbers, under which every last one of us are born. For eg. provided that you are conceived on 28th of any month , you compute your numerological digit as underneath.

3. Heart Number  (हार्ट संख्या) 
In Hindi
हार्ट संख्या एक एक व्यक्ति की इच्छाओं को खोजने में मदद कर सकते हैं निश्चित रूप से अन्य प्रमुख संख्या पर असर है.
In English
The Heart number can help one discover an individual's yearnings and absolutely has an orientation on other major numbers. 
4. Maturity Number (परिपक्वता संख्या)
In Hindi
परिपक्वता या वह परम संख्या एक देशी के प्रमुख लक्षण है कि उसके निर्णय लेने की प्रक्रिया को आकार दर्शाता है

In English
he development or extreme number imply the overwhelming characteristics of a local that shape his choice making procedure 

5. Destiny Number  (भाग्य संख्या):
 In Hindi
आप नाम के किसी भी नंबर है, लेकिन हो सकता है यह भाग्य संख्या है जो निर्णायक कारक है.
In English 
you might have any number of names, yet it is the fate number which is the integral variable.
According Birthday Number (जन्मदिन संख्या) :
How to find your number?
If you are born on 09/06/1981, here is how you can calculate your Number. Add up all numbers 9+6+1+9+8+1=34, Add 3+4=7. Your number is 7.


Tuesday, 15 January 2013

If your birth date is January 1

The medium is Warsapake 2013. Thank you Kashtruha Maliksury owns a number of years. So caution is needed. Self-confidence is important. Do not make an enemy of the people saying harsh reality worthless. Family to take care of the health of older people in the drawer.

Vyapari class alert. Lower income. Hire professional people to work carefully. The students should all labor. January, May and October will be better. Do worshiped the Sun and Venus. Purwki direction would be good. Gem to use. Orange to behavior.

Good Number 2, 3, and 9

If your birth date is January 2

Year 2013 is very good for you. Thank you for a number of years the owner of the moon is a friend of the owner. The year 2013 will be better for you. Reduce by strong will power. People of all classes grow. Traders will benefit. Profession will be the progress of the job. Students will succeed. February and April would be better. To worship Shiva. North - west direction will be good. Use beads. Use white paint.

Good numbers: 2, 1, and 5.

If your birth date is January 3

New year 2013 is moderate for you. Thank you for a number of years the owner of the owner of the master's enemy. Sudden wealth is not in your destiny. Save Money. Plan that needs to be acted. Will experience in every obstacle.

Courage to go ahead. New traders not work. The hard labor should be employed. Students will succeed under very hard. March, June and December will be better. Do the worship of Vishnu. Northeast direction would be good. Use Topaz. Use yellow color.

Good Number 3 and 9

If your birth date is January 4

2013 New Year's convenient for you. Thank you for a number of years, the owner is a friend of the owner Rahu. Carry family. Unprecedented success can be found.

New merchant class work. Much benefit. Working people will be given a new assignment. Students will have good success. April and August will be better. Shree Ganesh worship me. South - west direction will be good. Use Onyx. Gray in color behavior.

Good Number 4 and 6

If your birth date is January 5

New year 2013 is mixed for you. Thank you owner owns a number of years for Mercury is even. So caution is needed. Be alert the merchant class.

Salaried people work carefully. The students should all labor. January, May and October will be better. Good will towards north. Use page. Do adoration of Mercury and Venus. Lakshmi - Narayan worship me. Get more practice green.

Good Number 5 and 3

If your birth date is January 6

New year 2013 is exceedingly good for you. Income will be higher. Do not pay too much for appearances. Particular year will be good for womankind. Merchant class would benefit. The new work will be good. Working people will progress. Students will get a better score. Remain in the family atmosphere of happiness.

Unmarried will be able to marry. But the cost will be higher. March, June, September and December will be better. Please pray to Goddess Durga. Southeast direction would be good. Friday's prayers. Southeast direction would be good. Use bright white color. Diamond Wear.

Good numbers: 6 and 9

If your birth date is January 7

New year 2013 is exceedingly good for you. Income will be higher. Do not spend more for performance. Particular year will be good for womankind. Merchant class would benefit. The new work will be good. Working people will progress.

Students will get a better score. The family will be happy atmosphere. Unmarried will be able to marry. But the cost will be higher. March, June, September and December will be better. Please pray to Goddess Durga. Southeast direction would be good. Do worship of Venus. Southeast direction would be good. Use bright white color. Uses a diamond.

Good Number 6 and 9

If your birth date is January 8

Year No. 8 jatakas provide fruit for the good or evil that is being created. Time is becoming economically good or evil. Good job occupation category for the year will be fruitful. Will receive support from the authorities.

Merchant class average is fruitful. Vriddhi going to be the year for students in the excitement. The study will be smooth. Avoid Khlwane selfish love awakened spirit. Keep Grihswth love of family happiness. February, April and August will be better. Bhairav ​​live worship me. Good will towards the west. Use dark blue ऒr.

Good Number 7 and 9

If your birth date is January 9

Year 2013 is moderate for you. Will increase your strength and enthusiasm. Sight-term economic fluctuation that is being created. Mind and strength of spirit communication. Unlike Flkari merchant class is being created. Satke business partner who needs to stay this year. Courage to go ahead. Income will be less.

The time is right for students. There are also opportunities to become employability. Bitter enemy of truth by saying people should not be in vain. March, June, September and December will be better. Do worship Hanuman. Good will towards the south. Use red. Use coral.
Good Number 9, 1, 3 and 7

If your birth date is January 16

New year 2013 is mixed for you. You are fully self-sufficient person. You are one of those who make your own luck. But remember your special without labor is not likely. Despite the conflict will become a sustainable source of income. Be careful of the obstacles in forming centrioles. Spending increases - have climbed. Some changes will be made in the business plan.
Sustainable means of income will keep coming, but the good will to curb spending. The reason for civil discord mental stress and complications increase. Domestic and commercial benefits due to a reduction in costs and problems will grow. Fear of wrangling with a close friend said.
Fun and Monornjk operations costs. Cause bad things will improve in July. Become sustainable income. July and October will be better. G Narasimha worship me. Venus and Ketu mantra text. South - west direction will be good. Use beryl. Khaki and brindled use.

Good Number 7 and 9

Monday, 14 January 2013

If your birth date is January 14

New year 2013 is mixed for you. Shubfl is provided to you. Business class for new opportunities to expand the business year. Working class time to adapt.

Students need to be aware of the study. Diligence on the same task will achieve success. Be sure to consider your decision. Swashthe need to be aware of. January, May and October will be better. Good will towards north. Use page. Do adoration of Mercury and Venus. Lakshmi - Narayan worship me. Get more practice green.

Good Number 5 and 3

If your birth date is January 13

New year 2013 is good for you. 2013 is going to provide you with new hopes and happiness. Income growth opportunities are become new. Familial terms this year is good or evil. Spouse will receive full cooperation. You will also get a side of children happy.

This year is unlike anything in terms of Swasyth Flkari. Working class got to adapt to the conditions at the workplace, which is looking to take your mind of things. Officers will be pleased with your work. Students study and are getting oriented. Time - Do not overpower the enemy side premature to say the bitter truth. April and August will be better. Shree Ganesh worship me. South - west direction will be good. Use Onyx. Treat gray.

Good Number 4 and 6

If your birth date is January 11

Year 2013 is moderate for you. Fruitful in terms of health is mixed. Favorable economic terms this year is fruitful. Have become a new source of income. Families may conflict with anything. Persons employed in the private sector should be careful in the year of our operations.

This year's student yield good or evil. Use speech. Reduce by strong will power. People of all classes grow. February and April would be better. Do worship of Shiva. North - west direction will be good. Use beads. Use white paint.

Good Number 2, 1, and 5

If your birth date is January 10

The year 2013 is a good fruitful. In terms of family happiness is happiness. Full cooperation of luck to you from time to time will get. Remain upbeat mood. Traders will be strenuous. Serviceman will take this year. Promotions are yoga poses.

For students to concentrate in the study year. Just - C negligence can prove fatal for the future. Confidence is important. Do not make an enemy of the people saying harsh reality worthless. January, May and October will be better. Do worshiped the Sun and Venus. Good will towards the former. Use gem. Orange treat.

Good Number 2, 3, and 9 

Wear Footwear according your zodic sign

Classy Black Red Pump Jmenge or footwear be best for you. Blue should try or Ardi's Sober style is exactly the same tones. In this confusion, you're choosing your Zodiac sign footwears Perfect to help to:

When the matter comes to style, so there is plenty of shopping. Finally a few more things but our focus remains on. Why? After all, your Zodiac sign with the visual appeal of Choice also works. So these days if you are thinking of buying Footwears, then just make a note of these points.

Aries: Red Pumps Style

Sign of the Zodiac Girl is in control and has a Domineting. Sexy Red Pump for such a party would be best for her style. Stiltoj rather well fitted Jmenge smart shoes which are stylish as well as Kanfrtebl.

Taurus: Ardi tones flatter

Taurus Woman admires every beautiful thing, and every new sight - old trend continues. Ardi tones such as beige and brown are the preferred path, which makes it feel Kanfrtebl. These are the colors of the leather Stiltoj like her terribly.

Gemini: Bright heels craze of

Gemini girl and her bubbly Fun Loving Attitude is seen in all its accessories from Dressage. Her yellow, orange, bright warm colors like pink and often he will come like a pair of heels that're choosing the best fitting are to Attract and others.

Cancer: Ni - length boots are a must

Sign of the Zodiac girl boots are especially preferred. Stylish looks of these girls wardrobe to die on the Ni - length black boots should be sure.

Leo: Golden Girl

Leo Girls are phenomenally addict luxury and style. They would like to gain attention of others, because of their style will always get the Golden Touch. Prifr instead of black heels that always the tone.

Virgo: Sober Colour Style

The test is similar to a large extent Taurus Woman. Ardi tones like them to come and with their stylish statement to gain the attention gets comfortable.

Libra: classy statement of the Balanced

Balance is a part of nature and style of making them walk. Black and Blue Colour of Futviers are the addict. Classy pair of sandals in his wardrobe, as well as the heels Kanfrtebl be great, always will be.

Scorpio: My man Blue

The Pasnet Nature appears in their style sense. Bright Colors heels to see if they are mad at them. So now you will come to know how you can buy Futviers.

Sajiteriys: Futviers flat

Sign of the Zodiac Girls Futviers always remain stuck. Colors Blue and plums especially like these are the heels.

Kaprikorn: Black Pumps are required

These ladies are career oriented and Orgnaijd. Approach the professional lives of others. So classy and classic black pump comes Statements like these, they are at the top of the list Choice.

Aquarius: White Beauty

Instead of copying the style of these others would have preferred to make their own fashion statement. Silver and White Stiltoj especially like them to come.

Paisis: A little confusion, a little Tashan

Blue satin Stiltoj for this Zodiac sign are perfect.