Apart from giving tips about the child’s personality traits, the main emphasis will be on education and career so that you can plan your child’s future. We will tell about the child’s nature, development pattern and potentials and also briefly analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the horoscope in the important areas like career, marriage, finance , health etc.
- ARIES (March 20-April 19)
Aries Personality:
Adventurous, Aggressive, Ambitious, Argumentative, Can absence Follow Through, Communicative, Confident, Courageous, Creative, Direct, Energetic, Fearless, Headstrong, Honest, Impatient,Impulsive, Inquisitive
Aries Career Aptitudes:
Accessible Speaker, Advertising and Supports, Arbiter, Authority, Build, Crisis Medical caretaker of Expert, Deals, Educator, Jock, Mentor, Military Position, Police Officer, Safeguard Specialist, Visionary
- TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
Taurus Personality & Career Aptitudes:
Accountant, Announcing chief, Banker, Constant, Dress originator, Farmer, Generous, Great with cash, Imaginative, Kind, Legit, Lethargic, Loyal, Manufacturer specialist, Possessive, Reliable, Resolved, Stable, Stock Broker, Undaunted, Unreliable
- GEMINI (May 20-June 22)
Ambivalent, Cunning, Dealer, Fiery, Fretful, Incautious, Innovative, Media Faculty, PR officer, Reporter, Superficial, Translator, Underhanded, Versatile, Witty
- CANCER (June 23-July 22)
Antiquarian, Clingy, Constant, Expert, Faithfulness, Minding, Nutritionist, Oversensitive, Responsive Grumpy, Self-assimilated, Self-feeling sorry for, Shop Holder, Teacher, Versatile.
- LEO (July 23-August 22)
Aspiring, Craftsmanship Dealer, Designer, Director, Empowering, Entertainer, Government official, Liberal, Obstinate, Oppressive, Picture chief, Self important, Sensational, Sure, Unwavering, Vain
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- VIRGO (August 23-September 22)
Accommodating, Attentive, Civil servant, Distrustful, Duplicate-proofreader, Exact, Expert, reezing, Meddling, Particular, Physicist, Private aide
Reliable, Resolute, Scientific
Reliable, Resolute, Scientific
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- LIBRA (September 23-October 22)
Agile, Clinician, Cordial, Hesitant, Hopeful, Inconsistent, Intermediary, Judge, PR expert, Political, Superficial, Tranquil, Vain
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- SCORPIO (October 23-November 21)
Attentive, Changing, Dedicated, Desirous, Eager, Manipulative, Obsessive, Resourceful, Steady, Suspicious, administrator, design, examiner, researcher
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- SAGITTARIUS (November 23-December 21)
Autonomy, Educator, Envoy, Picture taker, Unemotional, Voyage operator,
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- CAPRICORN (December 22-January 20)
CEO, computer wizard, manager, army general
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- AQUARIUS (January 21-February 18)
Astute, Creators, Helpful, Initial, Innovative, Legislators, Mocking, Researchers, Resistant, Standoffish, Support Raisers, Unemotional, Unyielding, Witty
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- PISCES (February 20-March 29)
Adjustable, Affirming, Affirming, Dedicated, Elective Therapist, Gave, Innovative, Innovative, Maestro, Musical performer, Specialist, Sympathetic, Sympathetic, Therapist, Versatile
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